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My Ongoing Journey in Tech - Learning, Falling, Rising

My Story Begins


I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work - Thomas Edison.

Let's start with this strong quote. I would like you to follow me on my personal journey in the tech world. It's a story of learning, making mistakes, and standing up again. It's not easy to share these experiences, it feels like walking on a thin rope. But if my story can inspire even one person, then it's worth telling. So, let's start this exciting journey!

My Story Begins

Four years ago, I was at a point where I had to choose a direction for my future. My brother introduced me to the tech world. I began researching and figuring out what I could do in this field. Despite some failures and doubts, I became more and more interested in this industry. My first job was as a QA Tester. It was challenging, but it also ignited a passion in me and marked the start of my tech journey.

Learning and Growing

Learning and Growing

My interest in Front End development led me to delve into HTML, CSS, and Javascript. With no prior experience, the learning curve was steep. But with support from wonderful mentors and fueled by my own determination, I gradually grasped the basics. I created several projects and started applying for jobs. One company saw potential in my eagerness and offered me a position as a Markup Developer. Despite working unpaid for six months, I held on, convinced that this experience would lead to better opportunities.

Facing Challenges

Everyone who starts a career in tech will face challenges. I had my share of them too. It could be understanding complex codes, finding the right job, working with teams, or dealing with the fear of not being good enough and burnout. But each challenge was a learning opportunity. They are an essential part of the journey and they shape us into better professionals.

Facing Challenges

Rising Again

Post every challenge, I found myself growing. With each project struggle, I gained clarity, honing my problem-solving skills and resilience. My time at various impressive companies was enriching, providing me opportunities to learn and contribute, which facilitated my professional growth. Each mountain climbed has brought me one step closer to my ultimate goal of mastering the tech landscape.

Current Situation

Today, I'm in another challenging phase - I've been without a job for over a month. But I see this as a chance to learn and grow. I'm working on improving my networking skills, collaborating with inspiring people in the tech field, and continuing to learn. It's not easy, but I believe I can overcome this phase just like the previous ones.

Current Situation

Looking Forward

Even with the current situation, I'm always looking for opportunities to learn new skills and technologies. I'm focused on providing my expertise to those who need it and maintaining consistency. I'm proficient in React, but I also plan to learn backend technologies. There's a long road ahead, but I'm excited about the journey and the learnings that come with it.


In conclusion, my journey in tech has been a roller coaster of learning, falling, and rising again. It has not been an easy path, but each challenge has been a valuable lesson, and each setback has been a stepping stone to growth.

As Albert Einstein - once said, "You never fail until you stop trying.

I intend to keep trying, keep learning, and keep growing. I hope that my story serves as an inspiration to all those who are embarking on their own journeys in the tech world. Remember, each stumble is a part of your success story.